
In Any Universe
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

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No Archive Warnings Apply
M/M, Multi
Supernatural (TV 2005)
HunterCorp Dean Winchester/HunterCorp Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
HunterCorp Dean Winchester, HunterCorp Sam Winchester
Additional Tags:
Brother/Brother Incest, Established Relationship, Sex Tapes, Voyeurism, Anal Sex
Published: 2025-01-19 Words: 883 Chapters: 1/1

In Any Universe


While playing the roles of Sam and Dean, Sam and Dean end up finding a video that they were never supposed to see but might just end up deepening their connection with their alternate universe counterparts.


In Any Universe

“I think we’re not so dissimilar to these plebeians,” Sam grinned. 

He thought they were playing their roles well—sit, drink beer, look at their laptops. Well, maybe he wasn’t doing so well at the drinking beer part, but Dean was making it look easy. Sam could only hope that he wasn’t succumbing to their backwater ways, and so quickly at that.

Sam was taking his sweet time between sips of beer, scrolling and clicking and seeing just what a trashier version of himself got up to on the internet. This universe’s Sam had an almost ungodly stockpile of cat videos saved on both his YouTube account and on his hard drive, stuffed into a folder simply titled “cats.” He didn’t hate cats, he was fonder of them than dogs, but he couldn’t say he placed the version of himself that wore flannel and was horrified by the concept of putting his hair into a bun as a cat person. There had to be enough space in their creepy wartime bunker for one.

Every so often he’d glance over at Dean, his Dean, and smile at the sight of him looking so relaxed. Even when they were alone at Dad’s he couldn’t remember seeing Dean so loose, he especially had never felt so free. Maybe there was something to the flannel shirts, though he still didn’t understand the unstyled hair.

While looking into the life of another, much different version of him was interesting, Sam still had yet to find the best material that his other self had unknowingly left for him to discover. Sam was browsing folders and inevitably ended up on one labeled “saved for later” which only contained one video. He opened it, expecting nothing more than another cat video, only to find something so much more fascinating.

“Dean, darling, watch this.”

He turned the laptop to face his brother and scrolled back to the start of the video. Sam watched Dean’s face and felt almost giddy when he saw his expression shift into something between shock and perverse excitement just as the other Sam asked the other Dean if he really wasn’t curious about what it felt like.

“Anal? I don’t need to guess, Sammy,” the other Dean scoffed, but he was still going to cave and give his Sam just what he wanted. His Dean wouldn’t have even dared to say something like that, which only intrigued him more.

“It’s like watching animals mating.” Dean’s eyes didn’t move from the screen, Sam could see them glittering in anticipation.

“You’ve never been curious about what it feels like to be on the receiving end? Come on, Dean, just this once.” Other Sam begged, but in a way that told Sam they’d done this before, many times, and he knew just what to say to get Other Dean to do what he wanted. The fight, though, the back-and-forth, seemed to be a part of the game for them.

Dean leaned in closer, narrowing his eyes as a smile spread across his face. “We can’t be watching this. They’ll find out, won’t they?”

Sam shook his head. “And what’ll they do if they know that we know? We’re them—I’m surprised they didn’t suspect it from the get-go.”

His eyes moved up from the screen and focused on Sam, hovering somewhere around his mouth. They shouldn’t, not at a time like this, but if they were playing Sam and Dean Winchester…

If God happened to come in and check up on them, He might be surprised to see Sam on top of Dean, pounding into him like there was no tomorrow. If He really saw all, He would have been surprised to see Dean gladly playing submissive to his younger brother.

His legs were folded up at his sides, Sam knew his joints must have been screaming trying this position but he didn’t seem to be in enough discomfort to lower his legs or turn over onto his hands and knees. And Sam was glad for that, because he hated whenever he couldn’t watch Dean’s face while he ravished him. He gripped at the headboard above him and whimpered with each hard thrust, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth hanging open.

“If only they had a camera in here, huh?” He asked as Sam dug his nails into the back of Dean’s hip, making him gasp. He bored into him hard, it felt like he split Dean in half with his cock, but all he got out of his brother was a shuddering moan of delight.

That got Sam thinking. Dean was perfect, he’d never trade his brother for anything in the world and loved having his own perfect little submissive, but some part of him wondered if it’d be possible to convince Other Sam and Dean to let them stick around for a while. For companionship, out of mutual interest, maybe even just out of the kindness of their hearts to keep another version of themselves out of the cold. Maybe Other Sam would like getting to be dominant with Dean, and Sam couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to be forced down onto the bed and made into Other Dean’s bitch.

The other Winchesters had to be at least a little bit curious about swapping, didn’t they?


End Notes

I still don't know if I'm ever going to watch the entirety of Supernatural but I have been obsessed with the HunterCorp Winchesters and couldn't pass up an opportunity to write about them.

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